Louise Fletcher Art

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No More Cows!

A few years ago, I became fascinated with cows. I photographed them, talked to them, painted them, and drew them. It was great fun and people liked them. They proved it by handing over their hard-earned money.It would be easy to just keep painting the same subject given its popularity, but I’ve never been able to do that. A new interest takes over from the old one and I move on. And I think that's important. I don't think it's positive to keep doing the same thing just because it's familiar and easy.I’m now fully immersed in creating abstract, experimental landscapes and this work is taking all my attention and energy. As a result, I have finally admitted to myself that my cow paintings are a thing of the past. I won't be exhibiting them anymore, or offering them for sale online in the future.Have you ever made a decision like that? To leave behind something you know you do well? It's liberating but scary at the same time. I am a novice at my new chosen subject and I struggle daily. But I truly believe that the struggle is the point - that making art is a journey not a destination.So it's goodbye cows!Having made that decision, I’ve had a clear-out – I need the storage space! - and I am now selling a number of my cow portraits at bargain prices.If you were one of the lovely people who enjoyed those paintings, do have a look at my ebay shop. You might find your favourite for sale and – as I’m donating a portion of the proceeds to Hillside Animal Sanctuary - you can snag yourself a bargain and do some good at the same time.