This is my challenge to YOU!

I’m on a trip that I almost didn’t take. 

I received an invitation 3 months ago, to come to California and work in the ICB building in Sausalito. The invite came from Bibby Gignillait. I now know Bibby to be one of the most generous people in the world, but when she sent the invite, I didn’t know her at all. We had met online a couple of times and I follow her Instagram, but that was all I had to go on.

When I received the invite, I told a friend about it. 

“I’m not going,” I said.”I don’t think I’m a California-type person. I’m a New York person. California won't suit me.”

“Oh OK,” He replied and I see the disappointment in his face. “I just thought you might enjoy it.”

His words stayed with me. Despite my quick dismissal of the idea (based on ridiculous limiting beliefs!), I couldn’t stop thinking about it. 

After all, who gets an offer like that and says no? I have worked so hard to build a life that allows me flexibility and freedom. Why not take advantage of that?

So a few days later, before I could change my mind again, I messaged Bibby and told her I wanted to come. We settled on April as a good month and now here I am. I’ve been here for 8 days and I have 4 full days left before I pack up and go home.

But I almost didn’t make it. I thought many times about canceling. It would be so much easier and more comfortable to just stay home. I have people who count on me and a dog who loves me and I’m safe there. I know my routine and I’m in control. Also, I love where I live - it’s beautiful. I don’t need to go anywhere else to experience beauty. And I hate flying. And I’m not used to traveling alone. And blah blah blah… fill in the excuses for yourself!

So why did I come? I’m trying very hard to flow with the universe rather than trying to control everything that happens. I received an invitation and it felt like an invitation from the universe. It felt like there was something here for me. If I declined that out of fear, who knows what I’d be missing?

And now I am starting to understand that this trip has some big lessons for me. I’m still processing them but they have to do with being bigger, and showing up more, and welcoming in inspiration, and surrounding myself with the right people. They have to do with my art AND my life. 

I’ve painted on some massive canvases and discovered I love working so large. I’ve used house paint for the first time and it’s been a revelation. I’ve met wonderful artists like Rebecca Katz and Kathryn Keller and Gordon Studer and Jamie Madison and I’ve reconnected with others like the lovely Rachel Davis. I’ve recorded a podcast with Nick Wilton, and I’ve lived on a houseboat,and I’ve driven on the wrong side of the road, and I’ve met a gorgeous labradoodle called Blossom, and I’ve eaten amazing seafood and a wonderful chinese chicken salad, and I’ve discovered that you need a mortgage to buy groceries at Mollie Stones (!). Not to mention that I’ve spent every day in the studio with Bibby and it’s been so much fun. She is a true inspiration.

I’ve learned that I can travel alone and I can make new friends and most of all, I’ve learned that I need to go bigger, in my art and my life.

I’m sure I’ll have wise words about the whole experience once I have time to let it all digest, but for now I just want to ask you this: is there any part of your art or your life where you are playing safe? And if so, don’t you think it’s time to take a chance?


We decide our own limits. No really, we do!


I saw it first hand!